Gardasil for men who have sex with men.

In class, I only mentioned the relationship between certain sexually transmitted strains of the human papilomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer (I think?). Those same strains of HPV can also lead to anal/colorectal cancer. Following class, a student emailed me this, which is a good heads-up to those males who have sex with males, and would like to be protected:

I want to mention that although Gardasil is not offered at school immunization clinics for men, it is offered at youth clinics around Vancouver. Also, men who have sex with men are at an increased risk of HPV/anal cancer compared to men who have sex with women, based on anal sex rather than vaginal sex. Therefore, Gardasil can be used to decrease the risk of HPV/anal cancer for men who have sex with men. I got this information from a nurse at a youth clinic who suggested that I get Gardasil to protect myself against HPV.